Achal Awasthi's Homepage
About me
I am a second year PhD student at the department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University. I work with Dr. Jason Xu and Dr. Cliburn Chan who serve as my co-advisors.
Prior to moving to Duke, I was a Research Associate in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, at The Ohio State University. I also worked with Dr. Yan Zhang and Dr. James Chen and Dr. John Hays (Chen-Hays Lab).
I received my MS (thesis based) in Statistics from the Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University in 2018 and my BS in Physics from the Department of Physics at Shiv Nadar University, India in 2016.
I was advised by Dr. Radu Herbei for my MS thesis.
Research Interests
Translational Oncology
Applied Mathematics
Stochastic Models and its applications to Finance
Mathematical Modeling